Levels Information

Last Updated 03 Jun, 23

Upon making successful reports or referring another server to use STORM, you can obtain a series of new ranks available on our Discord. A cosmetic thank you for your efforts.


➡ 5 successful reports and/or referrals.

People at this level can also add social media redirects to their public profile.


➡ 15 successful reports and/or referrals.

People at this level can also choose a custom URL for their public profile, and set their own custom referral codes.


➡ 30 successful reports and/or referrals.


➡ 50 successful reports and/or referrals.

Anyone with anyone of these levels gets the ability to embed images on our Discord, and access exclusive channels.

Whilst we understand it may not be a first thought, we really appreciate it if you are able to fill out a report if you see someone breaking our guidelines and other people need to be made aware. Our database massively relies off community reports so the more submitted, the more effective we are as a platform at protecting your community. Reporting is easy, and can be done at here. Equally, referrals help us grow and provide a better quality of service, as well as protect more and more people. Referring is as easy as passing on your referral code, find on Your Profile and a server administrator setting that as their referral code in their server manager.